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Hi, I'm Zanelle and I'm just an ordinary girl going through the different phrases in life.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Vietnam - Hanoi.

1st day at Hanoi and I already want to go back to Singapore. Nobody here even smiles back at you, and nobody understands what the shit you're saying. Walking the whole day through dangerous streets with no traffic lights and crossing roads like betting your life to get to the other side is not cool at all. Pushy people that scam our money are even more horrible. ): Long sleeves and jeans in the hot and humid weather practically kills. I feel damn whiney but its true. I'm not even whining about how dirty this whole place is and how it stinks already with all the noise.

I just suddenly thought of my life back in Singapore. Though its not good either, but at least I've friends to fall back on. Now, I can't even fall back on anybody. I can't help remembering how my taiwan trip was different. The trip was awesome, but I never enjoyed it, only looking forward to every night on the laptop with somebody that has now left.

I feel like killing myself.
I feel like crying.
But I can't, I've to hold back my tears now so that I'll appear stronger and make myself even more miserable inside.

I've to be someone I used to be. Cheerful and bubbly.
But now I've to fake it instead of express it.

Tell me,
where's the joy?
The rainbow after the rain? The thunderstorm?

:'( :'( :'(

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